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Successful concert in Rye

The Choir recently had a wonderful day visit to Rye and performed in the beautiful St Mary's Church. Rye News reporter Kt Bruce gave us a great review and quoted from an appreciative audience member, Isabel Ryan, a great supporter of the arts in Rye:

Image by Kt Ryan

“This was Saturday evening’s free concert sung by a choir of sixty. It was well-attended and there was a retiring collection for Rye’s St Mary’s church.

“We enjoyed an eclectic choral programme spanning several centuries of composition including two excerpts from Haydn’s Creation. Suitably joyous for post-Easter, entirely audible were the words ‘Glory to his name forever; he sole on high exalted reigns, alleluia’; plus ‘The Heavens are telling the glory of God – The wonder of his work displays the firmament’. For me the piece that excelled was the superbly sung Fauré’s Cantique de Racine. This poignant romantic melody was recognisable to Ryesingers fans in the audience from their own previous performances. Hearing it inspired research and I found that Fauré, as a twenty-year-old student, composed it as a graduation exercise at the École Niedermeyer. This fifty-minute evening concert was enhanced by a Vidal organ recital, followed by the lark-like soloist- what a treat for us all!”

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